miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007

My Hearts Cry

Jesus, please forgive me of my crimes.Sanctify this withered heart of mine.Stay with me until my life is through.And on that day please take me home with you. lyrics from Relient K "Deathbed"

martes, 13 de marzo de 2007

Good Samaritan

today i was riding the metro downtown and a handicapped lady got the seat-belt wrapped around the back wheel of her motorized wheelchair. the bus driver yanked on it for 5 min. but couldn't get it loose so she called metro service. then she told us that the bus would be a while so if people wanted to get of they could. so as you can guess everyone got off except 3 of us. as i sat there i felt i needed to try and get that belt loose cause no one else was willing to offer. after 10 min. of me trying to wiggle it loose the metro service showed up. he ended up just cutting the belt but in the mean time the brake system on the wheel chair broke. i know trying to help is/was better then not doing anything at all but part of me just wishes i could have gotten that belt loose. is that selfishness or is that just really wanting to be a good Samaritan? what is being a good Samaritan, solving the problem? even though i tried to help i still feel like i did nothing for the situation but wiggle a seat belt and entertain the 2 other people on the bus. the more i think about it, as i write this, the better i feel that i wasn't just one of those people that was inconvenienced by the situation and made me late. the sight of everybody getting off when they heard the news was pretty sad. are our lives too busy for us to stop and try to help someone in need, even if we can't solve the problem?...... i'm glad i tried.

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2007

A Sick Feeling

this morning i headed out the door to my car to find that someone had broken into it and just made a mess of it. i know you're thinking that there was broken windows and everything was just destroyed, but that's not what happened. this is a very strange story, i'm still trying to figure it out myself. someone broke in to my car, with out breaking a window or picking a lock. then instead of stealing all the stuff that was in there (cds, converter, sunglasses, straps, tire pump, etc..) they just dumped everything on the passenger seat. they emptied the glove box all over the seat too. it's like instead of stealing anything they decided to rearrange everything. the big Bible i keep in the glove box must have scared them away. what i have yet to figure out is how did they get in with out a key, or breaking the window, or setting off the alarm. what i do know is that God was definitely watching over my stuff. what a miracle!! thank you Jesus!!! even though i have this sick feeling in my stomach that someone was in my car, i feel very blessed that God was watching over me.