martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

Welcome One Days Wages

I am proud to write about an amazing organization that launched today. Eugene & Minhee, who founded this organization are really good friends of ours. I'm excited about what they're doing & even more excited about partnering with them on many levels. Below's a note from Eugene about the launch. Please take the time to read it and also take part in the fight.
One Day's Wages - an international grassroots movement dedicated to ending extreme global poverty.  We are certainly not the first and thankfully, not the last...

Here are 5 simple ways you can help:

1.  Visit the website - and create an account.
2.  Make a donation. Calculate your day's wages on the website or make another donation. You can choose to invest in one of the organizations/projects highlighted on the website. 100% of your donations (minus transaction costs) go directly to these projects.

3.  Be a FAN on Facebook:
4.  Spread the word. Use the tools on our website (like Twitter) to spread the movement with your friends and network.
5.  Forward this email.

The numbers regarding extreme global poverty are overwhelming but there is some good news. There are already individuals and organizations around the world doing amazing work to fight extreme global poverty. We're not trying to re-invent the wheel but rather to collaborate and partner with others and inviting you to join this movement dedicated to ending extreme global poverty.

We know that the issues are very complex but it’s also very simple:  It shouldn’t be this way and doesn’t have to be this way. In our lifetime, we can end extreme global poverty.
As I write this I think about the cup of coffee next to me and how much it costs. What's disturbing about it is that we don't think about what a cup of coffee costs us, we need it in the morning to get going. At least I have something to get going for right? Please take the time to spread the word and join the fight. You won't regret it.


PS: If you want a good cup of coffee go to the Q Café, they give 10% back to outside causes.

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